Sunday, July 13, 2003

PCAP Squat Update

Peterborough, ON -- On Monday evening, one week following their eviction from the front lawn of city hall, members of the Peterborough Coalition Against Poverty (PCAP)and the former squatters of 1130 Water Street returned to Peterborough City Council to ask that negotiations resume between the city and PCAP.

PCAP members and squatters were greeted by nine police officers who were guarding city hall and refusing to permit entry to anyone carrying a backpack, placard or mask. At first, police officers offered to hold PCAP members bags while they were attending the meeting, but then the offer was rescinded. PCAP members were then told to leave their bags on the front lawn. Needless to say, city officials and "well dressed" members of the public carrying bags were permited entry with no questions asked.

Because a number of PCAP members were detained at the door, there was some delay before PCAP could address council as planned. When questioned on the police presence, Mayor Sutherland said that PCAP had issued a "threat" to the city and therefore the police were necessary. Mayor Sutherland was referring to the fact that PCAP had issued a statement to the city, saying that if negotiations did not resume by the City, PCAP would have no choice but to take futher action.

The police presence proved totally unnecessary - as PCAP made their presentation calmly and politely to Council - and the police wages were clearly put to good use as the officers spent most of the evening lounging on the front steps inside City Hall.

PCAP asked Council a number of questions, including whether they had plans to continue discussions with PCAP, what they planned to do with 1130 Water Street and why they had done nothing to assist the 6 homeless people the City evicted from 1130 Water Street. Council did not answer PCAP's questions.

PCAP is still waiting to hear back on the results of the mould analysis conducted at 1130 Water Street. The results are expected today.

WHAT"S NEXT: Press Conference Thursday 11am @ City Hall

PCAP is holding a press conference on Thursday at 11am on the front lawn of City Hall. PCAP will be issuing a statement alongside representatives from local and national labour unions, and John Clarke of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty.