Saturday, January 26, 2008

Laibar Singh - Stop the Deportation!

Stop the Deportation!

Join the National Days of Action in Support of Laibar Singh: January 25-29

Laibar Singh is a 48-year old paralyzed refugee claimant who is facing deportation to India. On December 10, 2007, over 1500 people peacefully gathered at the Vancouver airport and effectively stopped his deportation. A month later, on January 9, the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) tried to remove Mr. Singh from sanctuary at a Sikh temple in Surrey. B.C. Once again, the deportation was stopped as supporters gathered at the temple, which refused to allow his removal.

The list of organizations and individuals supporting Mr. Singh is long and growing. It includes human rights organizations, anti-poverty groups, unions, disability advocates, academics, faith groups, health care professionals and a petition of 40,000 individuals.

For more information visit:

E-mail Ministers Diane Finlay and Stockwell Day:

Demand that the Canadian Government
* respect sanctuary NOW!
* rescind the deportation order against Singh NOW!
* grant permanent residency to Mr. Singh NOW!

EMAIL: and

Please copy your e-mail to Noone Is Illegal – Vancouver:

PCAP's Letter of Support:

Minister Finley and Minister Day,

Regarding: Laibar Singh

As one of the many actions underway for the National Days of Action, we are writing regarding the situation of Mr. Laibar Singh, the paralyzed Punjabi refugee claimant who is currently facing deportation.

The Peterborough Coalition Against Poverty (PCAP) joins the vast and growing sector of the Canadian public who have expressed their support for Mr. Singh’s bid to remain in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Human rights organizations, anti-poverty groups, unions, disability advocates, academics, faith organizations, community groups, health care professionals and individuals from across the country oppose Mr. Singh’s deportation. These groups include the Canadian Labour Congress, BC Coalition of People with Disabilities, B.C Hospital Employees Union, the Multifaith Action Committee, and a long list of South Asian community groups and gurudwaras. Approximately forty thousand people have signed an Official petition to Parliament in support of Mr. Singh remaining in Canada.

PCAP demands that you rescind the deportation order against Mr.Laibar Singh immediately and grant him permanent residency status. We further demand that the Canadian government and CBSA officials respect the sanctity of sanctuary that the Guru Nanak Sikh temple have granted to Mr. Laibar Singh. It would be unconscionable for the Canadian government to attempt to remove Mr. Singh from sanctuary or detain him if he requires urgent medical attention at a medical facility.

Ministers Finley and Day, we put you on notice that we stand 100% behind the South Asian community for bringing Laibar Singh’s case to national attention. And we will continue to mobilize against your racist immigration policies and practices, drawing strength from the growing tens of thousands of individuals and the long list of organizations and communities across the country who have also rejected your course of
action. Be assured, we will not back down from the fight to win Mr. Singh’s freedom, and we will continue to build support across Canada and across borders in the broader struggle against deportations.

The Peterborough Coalition Against Poverty (PCAP)
Peterborough, Ontario